Monday, 13 June 2011


H and I recently took a short trip to Sydney, and of course no trip would be complete without me scoffing as many of the foods that I cannot get here as quickly as possible! I am always hungry and annoying on bus trips so we decided to head straight to Mamak after getting off the bus (this was also to make sure that we did not have to line up for a table).

Of course there was just one food that I really, really wanted (one of the few that I cannot get here): Murtabak. Unfortunately the Mamak version was not my cup of tea, but the rest of the food was especially enak!
Teh Halia

Thursday, 2 June 2011

End of an Era

So this post is totally unrelated to food.

It is more a quick note to say YAY! I have just handed in my final assessment for my university degree, ending 5.5 years of work :) There is still a bit more study to do until I am finished everything I need to do for my job, but the main part is over.

On a different note, I'm going to Sydney next week with H so there will be a few more reviews to come- woot!
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