Sunday 1 May 2011


So H and I recently enjoyed a Melbourne adventure to celebrate the fact that he has become another year older. We basically spent three days eating a ridiculous amount of food, and one of the most delicious items found were from luxbite, a tiny bakery in South Yarra. We walked into the store and went to straight to the display of deliciousness- and what did they have? KAYA TOAST FLAVOURED MACARONS! It was a terribly exciting discovery. It turns out that the recipe used there for kaya came from one of the staff members grandparents, and I must say it was absolutely delicious. Of course H laughed at me for being able to sniff out, without trying, what appears to be the only Malaysian macaron shop in Melbourne. I must have an inner kaya radar!

So I thought I would share with you some pictures of the treats. They were extremely well made, perfectly crisp on the outside with a soft (but not too soft!) centre. And the flavour range was quite wide, mixing traditional flavours with some more modern ones.

From left: Kaya toast, pistachio, peanut butter and jelly, kaffir lime
Poor H had to wait to tuck in while photo after photo was taken with the magical macarons!

The kaya was definitely my favourite. But thats not really a surprise to anyone. They had gone to a lot of effort to make them look as authentic as possible- there was even a 'butter' centre like in real kaya toast!

Ok. So I MAY have eaten most of it before the picture was taken. 

If you are ever in the area and are wanting some deliciousness- I would highly recommended this place! Just as we were leaving the lady at the counter said they were going to start doing breakfasts after Easter. So sad that I will miss it :(

Luxbite, 38 Toorak Road, Melbourne (03) 9867 5888


Yuki said...

Kaya Macarons!!! That's awesome!! too bad that Canberra doesn't have asian-inspired macaron flavours...nice blog!!! love ur layout ^^

Delicious Life said...

Thanks Yuki!

Yes I find that Canberra has a distinct lack of kaya flavoured deliciousness!

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