Sunday, 3 July 2011

Guest Post: Chai by H

Today I am excited to welcome my first ever guest post! H has been keen to contribute to the blog since it started and has been extremely helpful, especially with phototaking and holding off eating the food until we have nice pictures. This recipe is one that I think he makes at least 3 times a week (more if he has the time) and always fills the kitchen with a delicious aroma. So over to H:

Chai – My favourite hot beverage  (Serves 2)

This is a really simple recipe and can be made in 5-7 minutes. It is my and more than half of India’s preferred breakfast. I tried my best to popularise it during my time in Australia.

½ cup water
1 tbsp tea leaves
3 green Cardamom pods (crushed or open)
2 tea spoon sugar
½ cup milk/soy milk

1. Add water, tea leaves and cardamom pods in a saucepan and boil. Remember to open the pods as the flavour is in the seeds. Once it boils vigorously and looks reddish:

2. Add milk and sugar, then bring it to the boil 3 times.
3. Filter the chai using a sieve and serve hot.

Serve with Marigold or Parle G biscuits. The latter can be found in any Indian shop. Dip them and eat.  Yum. Childhood memories!!

You can replace cardamom with either 50 gm crushed ginger, holy basil leaves or cinnamon, it purely depends on what flavour you prefer. My personal favourite combinations are cardmom + ginger or holy basil leaves+ginger.


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