Tuesday 13 November 2012

Spize the Makan Place

I am almost physically incapable of coming to Singapore and not eating at Spize. On one trip back from the UK I had a five or six hour stop over in Singapore and some friends met me at the airport. Where did I want to go they asked? And Spize was top of the list!

There is one thing that will always get me going back to Spize- the murtabak. There is actually a wide range of food served there and I've heard its pretty good. But why try something else when you have found the best thing on the menu?

And so when I went back to Spize last week with some friends, it was the murtabak that I ordered. I prefer chicken but there are other flavours (sardine, vegetable and mutton) available. As it turned out it was bread based dishes all round, with everyone ordering either murtabak or prata.

Murtabak party!
As usual, it was delicious. Soft, warm prata filled with tender chicken and served with curry. The two just go together so perfectly. We sat outside this time but its also great to sit inside and watch them make the murtabak. Toss the dough around, spread it out, fill it up and toss it over a few more times. I always sit mesmerised watching. And hoping that it is my murtabak that is being cooked so that I can start eating faster!

But it's not all about savoury dishes. In trying to keep some semblance of healthy eating I didn't have dessert this time, but am actually quite partial to another Spize speciality- the banana chocolate prata. A fresh prata filled with slices of banana and covered in chocolate topping. It's a little like pancakes for dessert but much, much better. The softness and slight chewiness of the prata mixed with the warm banana and the chocolate sauce. So good!

Ok so this picture is kind of old but you get the idea. Also, the colours are the reflections from my friend's dress, its not some weird kind of chocolate sauce!

All in all, Spize is a great place for a chilled meal with friends. The prices are good ($9.00 for a murtabak) and the staff are quite friendly. Also, depending on the day they are open until 6 or 7am for those late night prata and murtabak cravings!

Spize the Makan Place
409 River Valley Road
Singapore 248307   
+ 65 6734 9194


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